
Senzual massage

You can visit your dream erotic massage https://bratislavatantra.sk/en/ practically anytime because tantric salons are open almost all the time. their opening hours start on Monday and end on Sunday, why maybe you can attend from 9 am to 11 pm. When your dreams visit the oasis of peace and relaxation today. The tantric salon has 6 basic rules, which if you comply with, you can visit your massage without any problems, and overall, your entire visit from beginning to end will be absolutely problem-free. 1 rule is that even though the tantric salon is open early, you still have to make an appointment at least an hour in advance so that the staff can ensure the absolute sterility and hygiene of the environment.


Another rule is that this type of massage is always paid in advance, without exception. 3 rule or something that the customer should clarify before visiting the salon is that these salons do not provide any erotic services or sex for money. another rule is that within the offer of this silver you can choose from massages that always concern the whole body. 1 of the order is a rule and at the same time a warning that masseuses do not except for massages anyone under the obvious influence of alcohol, drugs or any narcotic psychotropic substances because such people are unpredictable and unpredictable.


And the last rule, which is more or less logical and certainly does not need to be more precisely defined or explained, is that people suffering from contagious skin diseases cannot participate in the massage. However, this applies in general, perhaps to all massages, because this type of contagious disease can cause very unpleasant complications for others. As long as the customer complies with all these Rules and is aware of them, they only came out for the team and the Sala was not within his reach, all he has to do is choose a massage program and his masseuse who will devote her time, attention, tenderness and love to him.